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Case Study

AngloGold Ashanti

North Bullfrog Document Management (AGADC)

Location: Nevada, USA
Commodity: Gold
Phases: Project Initiation / Detailed Design Engineering

About AngloGold Ashanti

AngloGold Ashanti is a globally renowned gold mining company committed to sustainable mining practices and operational excellence. With a diverse portfolio of mining operations and projects, AngloGold Ashanti continues to lead the industry in innovation and resource management. The North Bullfrog Project in Nevada is a pivotal venture aimed at expanding the company’s gold production capabilities through meticulous project initiation and detailed design engineering.

The Challenge

The North Bullfrog Project required effective document management to ensure seamless project initiation and detailed design engineering. Key challenges included providing comprehensive training and support for the Project Administrator/Document Control to establish robust document management practices. Adapting to evolving project needs and ensuring continuity in document management processes were essential to the project’s success.

TMG’s Contributions

  • Coaching & Mentoring: TMG provided extensive coaching and mentoring to the Project Administrator/Document Control. This included training on best practices for document management, developing efficient workflows, and ensuring adherence to project documentation standards. TMG’s support was crucial in building the administrator’s capacity to manage project documents effectively.


TMG’s involvement in the AngloGold Ashanti North Bullfrog Document Management Project has been instrumental in establishing and enhancing document management practices. TMG has empowered the Project Administrator/Document Control to manage project documentation effectively and independently through targeted coaching and mentoring. The shift to as-needed support underscores the success of TMG’s training efforts and their commitment to fostering self-sufficiency within project teams. This initiative highlights TMG’s ability to deliver tailored solutions that adapt to evolving project requirements, ensuring long-term success and operational excellence for AngloGold Ashanti.

Change to Mandate: As the project progressed, TMG transitioned to providing support on an as-needed basis. This change in mandate reflects the successful upskilling of the Project Administrator/Document Control, who can now independently manage the document control processes. TMG remains available for additional support, ensuring continued compliance and efficiency in document management.