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Project Execution Support

A comprehensive suite of services that provides expert guidance and oversight to ensure the success of capital projects

The all-too-common challenges of managing capital projects

Managing capital projects involves tackling various challenges, including navigating uncertainties, ensuring design consistency, and maintaining effective governance. Managing costs, quality standards, risks, team alignment, and communication is an ongoing focus, along with addressing infrastructure needs and on-budget delivery of projects.

These challenges require partners like TMG’s Project Execution Support for successful project execution.

TMG Approach to Engineered Success

Our experienced team of experts is dedicated to ensuring the success of your capital projects. Whether you are looking for project oversight and governance, team development, independent project reviews, or assistance with project execution, TMG has the knowledge and expertise to meet your needs.

End-to-End Project Support

Comprehensive services spanning project initiation to completion, offering mine owner's teams complete support throughout, facilitated by our experts.

Seasoned Expertise

Vast experience in managing common capital project challenges, ensuring efficient and effective project management and project controls.

Risk Management

Navigating project uncertainties and hazards, proactively identifying issues and implementing mitigation strategies.

Engineering Integration

A strategic approach that unifies consultants, suppliers, and contractors, enhancing focus on project success.

Effective Governance

Oversight and governance support, facilitating team alignment and seamless communication for mine owners and executives.

On-time, On-budget Delivery

Assistance with projects, guiding mine leaders in project recovery, and revitalization, with a focus on achieving successful execution.

Solving Your Unique Challenges

At TMG, we provide a comprehensive suite of services designed to support your executive team in every phase of your project, from inception to completion.

Project Oversight & Governance

Project Controls Monitoring & Reporting: We excel in monitoring project deliverables and metrics, swiftly detecting schedule or cost issues for corrective action.Project Tracking Tools Development: We streamline performance tracking with shared tools for on-site and off-site teams, ensuring efficient monitoring and reporting.Project Audits: Our experts validate work against defined metrics at each stage-gate, ensuring project alignment.Technology Implementation: We specialize in implementing innovative technology and mining strategies, keeping your project at the forefront of innovation.Technical Reviews: We conduct detailed reviews to align discipline designs with Process Design Criteria and Metallurgical Testwork.Engineering Integration Oversight: We ensure consistent design standards across all specialists, from civil and tailings engineers to infrastructure and process plant contractors.Steering Committee Establishment: We establish committees to safeguard owners' interests and governance throughout all project stages.Construction Monitoring: Our experts oversee on-site activities, ensuring progress and quality control for your projects.

Project Management & Project Controls Secondments

Project & Engineering Management Secondments: Augmenting the Owner's Team with technical experts to oversee all project aspects on the client's behalf.Project Organization Chart Development: Creating organization charts in line with the execution strategy, defining roles both on and off-site for project success.Define Project Roles & Responsibilities: Ensuring clear understanding of positions and interactions among project team members.Project & Site Operations Relations: Fostering communication between on-site and off-site teams for issue resolution and risk alignment.Project Planning Secondments: Developing integrated Owner's schedules to manage battery limits and scope interface effectively.Project Cost Control Secondments: Collaborating with Owner's Accounting to establish Cost Breakdown Structures and provide ongoing tracking through Earned Value Management.

Engineering Oversight & Integration

Technical Assistance: We conduct comprehensive reviews to ensure the viability of engineering consultant work.Project Threats & Opportunities Evaluation: Our experts identify areas for design optimization within your risk tolerance, drawing from real-world project experience.Process & Metallurgical Testwork Assessment: We evaluate alignment between Process Design Criteria, Design Basis, and laboratory performance, ensuring robust metallurgical data for reserve declarations.CAPEX & OPEX Assessment: We verify the inclusion and defensibility of cost items through benchmarking and supporting data.Engineering Integration: Through our oversight and boundary management, we ensure unified alignment of all deliverables with your project goals, fostering seamless collaboration among all parties.Site Visits: We conduct in-person assessments of project progress, site team strength, and critical technical and execution risks.

Construction Support & Oversight

Design for Construction: We offer constructability reviews, design optimization, and challenge resolution for effective construction planning and execution.Construction Readiness: We evaluate design completion, contractor planning, workforce development, and safety programs pre-mobilization.Construction Execution Planning: We create execution plans, procedures, and reporting standards to meet site requirements.Health & Safety Program: We develop site-specific policies, procedures, and induction training for a safe work environment.Logistics & Material Management: We assist with supply chain planning, delivery sequencing, material preservation, and warehousing.Quality Management: Our services include Factory Acceptance Testing, Non-Destructive Testing, Site Quality Supervision, and turnover package development.Contractor Oversight: We manage Earned Value Management, progress verification, field engineering, and daily reporting.

Commissioning Support & Operational Readiness

Operational Readiness Reviews: We conduct early reviews to facilitate a smooth transition from commissioning to permanent operations.Commissioning Execution Planning: Our team tailors execution plans, start-up sequences, turnover strategies, and procedures to your site's needs.Embedded Subject Matter Experts: We bridge communication gaps during commissioning and ramp-up for a successful transition.Contractor Management: We forecast resourcing in coordination with Construction Management to ensure timely task completion.Pre-Operational Verification: We oversee Contractor Earned Value Management, field verifications, and reporting standards for Site Operational Personnel.Punch List Management: We ensure all contractual work, safety issues, and client requests are addressed or turned over.System Definition & Turnover: We facilitate the transfer of completed facilities to the site Operational Team in ready-to-ramp-up packages.

Sustaining Capital Project Development

Continuous Improvement Programs: Defining scopes for operational enhancements in mining, process recovery, and mine-to-mill integration.Site Assessments: Evaluating existing processes and initiating engagement with personnel.Site Operations Engagement: Brainstorming and Charter Development with key operational personnel for alignment and buy-in.Site-Led Project Execution: Implementing a project approach with embedded TMG personnel to ensure accountability and ownership for success.Trade-Off Study Development: Conducting Pre-Feasibility Level engineering on options to maximize site value.Testwork Program Management: Defining sampling and piloting scope in coordination with site Health, Safety, and environmental Personnel.Detailed Design Engineering Management: Ensuring designs meet intended use and site operational criteria.Construction Monitoring: Supervising on-site activities, monitoring progress, and maintaining project control.

Project Due Diligence Reviews

Technical Assistance: We comprehensively review project plans, budgets, schedules, and technical viability to align with industry best practices before acquisition.Project Threat & Opportunity Evaluations: We identify areas for additional design optimization within corporate risk thresholds, drawing from real-world project experience.CAPEX & Execution Plan Alignment Review: We confirm that scope-related cost items are defensible and align with the overall Project Execution Plan and Level-3 Execution Schedule so that the costs align with the way the Owner intends to construct the asset.Technical Report Validation: We review completed work against defined stage-gate metrics to support execution or construction decisions.Site Assessments: We evaluate project progress, site team strength, existing facilities, and key technical or execution risks during site visits.Financial Validation: We review the overall Project Execution Plan to ensure that shareholder value and lender’s covenants are reasonable and achievable in accordance with the repayment schedule and production ramp-up timelines.

Project Team Development

Project Team Organization Development: Aligning with the execution strategy, we structure on and off-site functions for overall project success.Roles & Responsibilities Definition: Ensuring a clear understanding of positions and key interactions among project team members.Personnel Selection & Coaching: From initial interviews to identifying strong performers, we assess abilities and growth potential for added responsibilities.Team Structure Guidance: Identifying necessary functions and roles as project needs evolve through stages, from studies to commissioning.Monitoring Tools Implementation: Developing and applying tools as per project needs and team skills to meet governance standards without overwhelming reporting.Corporate to Site Project Management Relations: Fostering strong communication between on-site personnel and off-site executives for issue resolution and risk alignment.

Executive Guidance in Capital Projects

Executive Communication: Keeping corporate executives fully informed on project aspects, including key threats and opportunities, with ongoing Subject Matter Expert support for seamless collaboration.Board Presentation Support: Providing simplified analysis, interpretation, and templates to streamline Corporate Board of Directors meetings and enhance understanding of project data and metrics.Technical Advisory to Boards: Assisting Boards of Directors in evaluating project status, viability, benchmarking, prioritization, and decision-making based on historical metrics and similar asset considerations.Executive Coaching & Mentoring: Ensuring executives have a solid understanding of key project metrics, with tailored rapport and customizable report templates for informed decision-making in their specific areas of interest.Standard Operating Procedures Development: Creating corporate standard operating procedures for project performance and management plans.

Early Works Programs & Site Establishment

Early Infrastructure Assessment: Evaluating program needs and existing infrastructure gaps (power, water, warehousing, propane, ventilation, camp space, roads, etc.).Rapid Procurement: Expediting key services and materials for quick site establishment.Execution Schedule Planning: Developing Level 2 construction schedules to size equipment and infrastructure for early works ahead of permanent facilities.Budget Setting: Establish budgets based on the defined scope and TMG's infrastructure project database for rapid progress.Engineering Support: Providing off-site engineering for appropriate infrastructure sizing while on-site personnel design and install roads, water management, and civil construction.Quick Mobilization: Utilizing TMG's policies and procedures for accelerated onboarding, site understanding, and project scoping.Permitting Assistance: Collecting and monitoring data to ensure all required permits are obtained for the broader execution project.

Independent Project Review Boards

The Independent Project Review Board (IPRB) structure is based on the Independent Tailings Review Boards, a legal requirement in British Columbia and also implemented throughout Canada and other parts of the world. IPRBs are most effectively established during the pre-feasibility study phase and continue through Nameplate Production to ensure economically viable projects are delivered on time, within budget, safely, and sustainably.

To form an IPRB, TMG collaborates with our clients to define:

The composition of board members (usually 4 to 6 Subject Matter Experts).Review frequency (typically quarterly meetings, with at least one conducted on-site).Meeting scope.Presentation agendas for project leadership and technical teams.

The IPRB holds the responsibility of crafting thorough reviews and recommendations for corporate senior leadership through the following approach:

During the review meetings, senior project and site personnel will deliver presentations encompassing all aspects of the project's status.The IPRB will compile a report comprising observations and recommendations to be presented on the final day of the review meeting.The IPRB will engage with corporate senior leadership through video conferences or visits to the head office to discuss recommendations.

Project Recovery

Project Status Audits: Evaluate execution strategy, true completion status, assumption gaps, and deficiencies.Strategic Planning Sessions: Collaborate with the project team to assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for execution.Risk Mitigation Planning: Identify optimal actions to rectify project deficiencies.Execution Plan Adjustments: Tailor plans to address specific project challenges and constraints based on progress.Schedule Revisions: Amend schedules to recover from existing delays.Estimate Updates & Budget Realignment: Reflect commitments and remaining work.Personnel Secondments: Place key personnel in crucial project roles for effective management.Vigilant Monitoring & Reporting: Ensure program changes are effective.